K.B.Hancock ein kleines Genie in Sachen Landschaft:
Vor allem hat dieser großartige Maler die Provence des Cezannes im Blick, also die Gegend um Aix en Provence. Muss ernsthaft überlegen, ob ich nicht einige seiner Bilder als Schulungsgegenstand verwende. Eine leise Gefahr in seiner Malerei ist vielleicht, dass er droht ins gefällig Touristische abzugleiten - aber ein brillianter Techniker.
K B Hancock
Francophile based in England. The Dubai Group
K B Hancock was born in England and inherited his compulsion to paint from his father. As a boy, he studied art in an atelier in Paris. As a young man, he was privileged to live and work in St Ives in the presence of artists such as Barbara Hepworth, Ben Nicholson, Sven Berlin, Borlase Smart, etc and he exhibited regularly with the St Ives Society of Artists. Although he has been offered exhibitions around the world and membership of a number of important art societies, KBH (as he is affectionately known) has always sold his impressionist oil paintings of France direct to a broad selection of international collectors. KBH could write a book about his experiences, the interesting and influential people he has met and the accolades he could have received. ‘None of this would make any difference to the paintings’ - he has always said, ‘Judge the work, not the man. Only time will tell whether I was any good. All I can hope is that during the course of my life, my paintings have given people pleasure.’
The oil paintings on show at the Little Gallery reflect his love of France where he spent his formative years. They are set in Provence, the high key colours and the light of which inspire him. Ken has been invited yearly since 2000 to exhibit at the prestigious Paris Salon organised by the Societe Nationale des Beaux Arts and several of these paintings are on view. He spends much of his time in France to draw inspiration for his paintings and where he enjoys café life. He commutes to Tetbury where he is currently based. (C)
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